R.I.P. Mr. Lynn Parfitt

Dedicated secretary to the choir for many years and inspiration for the Baritone section.

You will be greatly missed Lynn; it was a pleasure and an honour to know you.

Below is a tribute written by chorister Paul Davies:

The whole community is mourning the loss of Lynn, he did so much for the two local council’s, not just as a clerk to record minutes, write and answer correspondence, but to keep the councillors on their toes and working within the parameters of legality and conduct. He was a great advisor, pragmatic by nature, he had solutions to problems for many people in the village and beyond.

He was an original petrol head which gained my immediate awe of him, his collection of bikes and other historic motors is world class!

A great surveyor in his chosen vocation, I remember him showing me his retirement watch, a premium brand swiss auto. Obviously a valued friend by his former colleagues.

I could go on forever, he meant so much to so many it’s hard to put into words.

He loved the choir and all associated with it.

A truly classy gentleman in every aspect of the word.

Although I’ll miss him, I’m glad to have known him for 20 odd years. I can’t express enough gratitude and respect to him for an issue I had years ago that he helped me through.

I’m not religious, but spiritual by nature so if Heaven exists, he’s ditched his harp and joined god’s choir!

RIP Lynn.